DBS Process

Below is a detailed description of each stage in the DBS Process:


  1. We receive an email or phone call from you where you provide us with some information about yourself (please see the Contact Us page for what information we require).
  2. We will answer any questions that you may have .
  3. We will post you the requested number of DBS application forms.
  4. We will email you some guidance notes that explain how to fill in the application forms and the process in more detail.

Our Process

  1. Once the application form/s have been filled in you will return them to our office.
  2. We will then check that form/s have been filled in correctly and that we have received the relevant Identification Documents.
  3. If there is any information missing we will get into contact with you or the applicant to request the information.
  4. We will send you an invoice.
  5. Once the form/s are filled in correctly and we have received payment we will forward them to the DBS.

DBS Process

Once the DBS have received an application form it will go through the following stages, we use the DBS online tracking system to monitor the progress of each application and provide our customers with regular progress reports so they know which stage each application is at:

Stage 1 – The DBS check to make sure the application form has been filled in correctly

Stage 2 – Police National Computer searched

Stage 3 – DBS Children Barred List, DBS Adults Barred List and List 99 are searched (Where applicable)

Stage 4 – The application is passed to the police and they carry out their checks

Stage 5 – The Disclosure Certificate is printed

Once the Disclosure Certificate has been printed the DBS will send it to the applicant’s home address via Royal Mail 2nd class post.

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