Level of Check


Standard Disclosures contain details of all spent and unspent convictions held on an individual’s criminal record as well as cautions, reprimands and warnings. Some roles that may require a standard disclosure certificate include: Accountant Lawyer Solicitor Barrister Veterinary surgeon Security Guard


Enhanced Disclosures contain details of all spent and unspent convictions held on an individual’s criminal record as well as cautions, reprimands, warnings and any additional information held by local police forces that they believe to be relevant. Checks against the Child and/or Adult barred list may also be carried out when necessary. Some roles that […]


A volunteer can request either a standard or enhanced check as described above. According to the DBS definition of a volunteer, the applicant must not: Receive any payment (with the exception of travel and approved out-of-pocket expenses) Be on a work placement Be on a course that requires them to do this job Be in […]

DBS AdultFirst Check

A DBS AdultFirst Check can be carried out in addition to an enhanced DBS Check. It is exclusive to the health sector, allowing employers recruiting for posts that involve working with vulnerable adults to check whether a potential employee appears on the vulnerable adults barred list. A DBS AdultFirst Check can only be issued when […]

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